Led by Dr. Mona West. St. Teresa of Avila was a 16th century reformer of the Carmelite order. She is known for her books on prayer and the soul as an interior castle. She is also known for her wit and humor! When she created the new order of the Discalced Carmelites, she made sure her sisters had time each day for rest and fun in addition to prayer.
In that spirit, St. Teresa was known to dance on the refectory tables with castanets! We will explore briefly the life and wit of St. Teresa, as well as her explanation of the prayer of recollection.
In conjunction with Earth Day, Aaron Friar of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department will share the story of the Powderhorn Ranch property and...
Our rector, Chuck Treadwell, and our retired rector, Jim Bethell, present stories of transformation, hope, and resiliency. On Sunday, Oct. 24, after worship in...
Thomas Merton was an American Trappist monk, writer, theologian, mystic, poet, social activist and scholar of comparative religion. Join Dr. Mona West as she...