Are you feeling called to a deeper prayer life or are you just curious about the different ways Christians pray? This series will explain four different prayer practices:
July 16: Dr. Mona West will present on Fixed Hour Prayer (The Daily Office)
July 23: Joe Barry will present on Lectio and Visio Divina
July 30: representatives from Contemplative Outreach will present on Centering Prayer
Aug. 6: Gus Hernandez will present on Meditation
Presented by the Rev. Dr. Bob Shore-Goss, member United Church of Christ Environmental Justice Council. There is another way of Earth care other than ...
In this Holy Conversation, retired NPR correspondent John Burnett, who covered the US-Mexico border extensively for over 25 years, will walk us through the...
During his visit to St. David's, the Rt. Rev. Hector F. Monterroso, bishop assistant in the Diocese of Texas, spoke to St. David's confirmands...