In this two-part series, Fr. Chuck and Fr. Kristin will build upon the Catechism (BCP, p. 852) to explore what Holy Scripture has to say about the Spirit's identity and presence in the world as well as how people of faith have historically understood the presence and work of the Holy Spirit both in the Church and in their lives. They will also explore the ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of faith, both in the Church, and in the hair on the back of your neck!
Thomas Merton was an American Trappist monk, writer, theologian, mystic, poet, social activist and scholar of comparative religion. Join Dr. Mona West as she...
Father Chuck Treadwell, rector of St. David's, and Eric Malnassy, director of Stewardship and planned giving, talk with Christian Rodriguez, executive director of Trinity...
Presented by the Rev. Dr. Larry Peers, former senior consultant for the Alban Institute. Within our Christian tradition (and other religious traditions) particular periods,...