We created a space at St. David’s for our community to come together to have a Holy Conversation that will acknowledge our feelings, voice our questions, and support one another as we seek to affirm the moral value of women, transgender, and non-binary persons’ right to determine their reproductive healthcare choices, as well as the moral value of all life. To provide context, we invited panelists to join in our conversation from pastoral, spiritual, and legal perspectives.
The 175th Anniversary Timeline Committee members unveiled and discussed panels that feature key events in St. David's 175-year history and shared an overview of...
The Rev. Dr. Nathan Jennings, Professor at Seminary of the Southwest, presents part II of his lecture exploring the lives and writings of literary...
During his visit to St. David's, the Rt. Rev. Hector F. Monterroso, bishop assistant in the Diocese of Texas, spoke to St. David's confirmands...